Dr. Cioccolata

Surgeon and General Practitioner for 10 years


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TW - Malpractice and Gore

  • Cioccolata is 34 years old, 6ft 1”, of an average build, and all around degenerate.

  • He doesn’t label his sexuality. He hates anything living...an exception being Secco.

  • He likes classical music the best. His favorite song with lyrics is β€œI Can’t Decide” by scissorsisterstv

  • His body is covered in scars from preforming surgeries on himself after he was fired from the Hospital. His most proud procedure was his open heart surgery, which was recorded in full by Secco.

  • Cio will not let anyone hold his camera except Secco, even then, Secco doesn’t get his best camera for special occasions.

  • Cameras and β€œfilm making” are his second biggest obsession, right behind medicine.

  • He does not sell his snuff films. They are purely for him.

  • Contrary to the belief that his dreads are dirty, they’re actualy very well kept.

  • Cioccolata is very anal about being clean. Showers once a night. This also means bathtime at least once a week for Secco.

  • Cioccolata is the one who picked up all of La Squadra’s corpses. Proscuitto’s was his favorite to play with on film. Pesci and Proscuitto shared the same fate as Sorbet, becoming forever an art piece for Cio to study. Ghiaccio and Melone’s heads make wonderful centerpieces on his wall. Illuso and Formaggio (what was left at least) became scraps for Secco to play with. And finally, Risotto was stuffed and stays in Cio’s lab to appreciate.

  • Cioccolata’s relationship with the rest of the Guard Squad is strained. Tiziano and Squalo refuse to be around him.

  • Cio is actually good friends with Carne. He was a bit upset when he finally had to pass for his mission.

  • Diavolo won’t let Doppio around Cio or Secco, so he doesn’t know much about the person he’s protecting.

  • Secco is of course his favorite of the guards though.

  • Contrary to the fandom’s beliefs, Cioccolata actually does love Secco. He is not just using him, nor did he brainwash him.

  • Secco and Cioccolata met after Secco was found dying in the streets, he was very quiet and reserved. Even when he was about to be sliced open and awake midsurgery. Cioccolata was interested, and their connection continued as Cio kept extending Secco’s release date to talk with him. After killing a patient and getting caught, he discharged Secco and the rest is history.

  • He enjoys the finer things in life, but he is trashy as all hell around his Guard Squad.

  • yes, that is a thong. yes, Secco steals them occasionally.

  • Cioccolata is an awful human being, and he is very aware of this. He’s okay with it, and as long as he has a camera and his good boy, he’ll be happy.



  • Cioccolata is in a very committed D/s relationship with Secco. He has been since joining Passione.

  • Both of them agreed on this, both were very much of age at the time. They even have a contract between them.

  • Cioccolata was originally a complete brutal and relentless sadist Master, but he much more enjoys the dynamic he has with Secco.

  • Secco and Cioccolata have a petplay lifestyle, Secco obviously being the pet and Cioccolata his Master//Owner.

  • It is not 24/7, but Secco can’t help himself going into headspace A LOT around Cioccolata.

  • He does have a collar, but that’s only when he has to keep Secco in check. Secco is too rowdy and doesn’t like the feeling on his neck.

  • Secco also has a big dog bed and cage if he wishes to be in them.

  • Cioccolata knows the Guard Squad kinkshames him. He doesn’t give a fuck.

  • Cioccolata is a dominant, and prefers to top, but also wouldn’t mind directing from the bottom bunk.

  • Cio’s manhood is a little above average, circumcised (done by himself), and more lengthy than thick.

  • He’s depraved in bed. You think he’s fucked up? You haven’t seen him behind closed doors.

  • He likes doing procedures during sex, wanting to see their different reactions and how their innards act.

  • He also likes giving his lover’s supplements, seeing how it will change their drive and anatomy, filming all the updates.

  • Yes, he films sex tapes.

  • Cioccolata is gross. But that’s okay.


  • 18 year old depressed, emo, cripple punk from Chicago.

  • Cioccolata was my first JJBA muse over 2 years ago. It feels good to go back to my roots.

  • I’ve actually been a victim of malpractice, so being Cioccolata is kinda fun cause i know he’s gonna get so bullied lmao.

  • Yes i’m educated and experienced in BDSM, that’s why I love this nasty fucker so much. Just look at this man and tell me he doesn’t get pegged.

  • I work part time in retail and i’m a full time student, i promise i’ll get to replies asap!!

  • I’m a bit shy, but I try my best to interact. i’m very new to Twitter.

  • Please!!!! interact though, i know he’s gross but he won’t bite you immedaitely.

  • Please know that i’m not this mean, my muse is an asshole, mun is not. Just have fun. πŸ–€πŸ’š

( Made with Carrd )